In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, dated 13 December, on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), and Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE), (WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL) hereby notifies its users that it has created a page on the Social Network Facebook and Twitter, for the main purpose of advertising its products and services.
Avda. Del Cantábrico Nº102, C.P. 38109, El Rosario (SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE)
The user has a profile on the afore-mentioned Social Network and has decided to join the page created by WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL, thus expressing interest in the information that is advertised on the Social Network. By joining our page, you authorise us to process the personal data published on your profile.
Users can access the Social Network privacy policy at any time, and can set their profiles to ensure user privacy.
WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL has access to and can process the user’s public information, especially their contact name. These data are only used within the Social Network. They are not stored in any file.
In relation to the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, available to users and which can be exercised as regards WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL, in accordance with LOPD, please note the following indications:
Access: defined by the Social Network functionality and the ability to access user profile information.
Rectification: can only be implemented in relation to information that is controlled by WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL, for example, deletion of comments posted on the page. This right must normally be exercised directly through the Social Network.
Cancellation/opposition: as in the previous case, this can only be implemented in relation to information that is controlled by WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL, for example, ending the user connection with the profile.
WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL will implement the following actions:
Access to public information of profile.
Publication of all information on the user profile that is already published on the WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL page.
Enviar mensajes personales e individuales a través de los canales de la Red Social.
Sending personal and individual messages through Social Network channels.
The user can always monitor their connections; remove contents that are no longer of interest and restrict who shares their connections; to do these users must go to their privacy settings.
Once the user has become a member of the WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL page, it can publish comments, links, pictures or photographs, or any other type of media supported by the Social Network. The user, under all circumstances, must be the owner thereof, and have the consent of affected third parties. Any publication on the page, including text, graphics, photographs, videos that threaten or are likely to undermine morals, ethics, good taste or decency, or that infringe, violate or breach intellectual or industrial property rights, picture copyright or the law, are expressly prohibited. In this instance, WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL reserves the right to immediately remove content and can request that the user is permanently blocked.
WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL is not liable for material that has been freely published by a user.
The user should be aware that anything they publish will be visible to other users, and that the user is responsible for their own privacy.
Any images published on the page will not be stored in any file by WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL but will remain on the Social Network.
Competitions and promotions
WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL reserves the right to run competitions and promotions, in which the user who has joined the page can participate. The rules and regulations for each competition or promotion, when the Social Network platform is used, will be published on the social network page. This will be implemented in compliance with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable regulations.
Under no circumstances does the Social Network sponsor, endorse or administer any of our promotions; nor is it associated with any of them.
WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL uses the Social Network to advertise their products and services, but in case it decides to process your contact details for direct marketing research actions, it will be undertaken in compliance with the legal requirements of the LOPD and LSSI-CE.
Recommending the WEAPPIN SOLUTIONS SL page to other users so that they can take advantage of promotions or be informed of company activities is not considered to be advertising.
The Social Network privacy policy is outlined at the links below: